Overview Timeline

Why use this?

This method is useful for conflict resolution where the opportunity is given to evaluate the dimension of a problem, solutions to it and the energy or effort the volunteer wants to use in solving it.

Overview timeline


This method involves creating a timeline with assigned colors to evaluate the dimension of a problem and strategies for conflict resolution. Recommended for conflict management.

This task is simple to do but can be difficult to mediate depending on the person’s emotional state.

Step 1:

The volunteer has to draw a line in the middle of the sheet (it is recommended that the line is horizontal, in the longest part of the sheet). The participant has to choose 3 colors and assign meaning to each one according to the following criteria: 1 positive color, 1 negative color and 1 reserve color.

Step 2:

The participant in 15 minutes has to determine different stages of the project in the timeline and put the different colors on the line according the sequence of activities. It is recommended that the participant leaves space for the future, without colours or references. In 2 minutes the participant has to read the timeline, trying to be as impartial as possible with his/her present emotions. (e.g.: I started my project on the 2nd of January and on 3rd I did an activity that I really liked and on the 4th of January I had a problem).

Step 3:

In view of this scenario, the participant has to evaluate the dimension of the problem and the level of energy he wants to deposit in solving the problem in comparison to the “general feeling” of the project. With the reserve color, the participant has to design strategies of collaboration, cohabitation or cooperation to deal with the problem taking into account the energy he/she wants to invest.

Tip from a Mentor

t is recommended that the mentor studies a little bit about problem solving theories in order to mediate the process of finding solutions.

Thomas and Kilmann identified a conflict-handling grid comprised of five conflict management styles based on two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness.

Extra Material

What is the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Management Model? (With examples)

Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument

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