Sustainable Influencers

Why use this?

To promote a sustainable lifestyle and to facilitate self-expression in the context of an ESC project to make it more sustainable.

Sustainable influence Helper


Step 1:

Questions. In order to know what the objectives of the volunteer in this project are, this is a good moment to ask them that in an extended way. In this sense, we will ask the person how they can implement a sustainable lifestyle while they are in their mobility project. The questions could be:

  • Is there any way you can apply an environmental and sustainable perspective in the tasks you will have in your volunteering project?
  • Is there any way you can apply that also in your lifestyle here?
  • You must consider the conditions in which you will live: will it be a house with an outdoors space or a flat/residence all indoors? Will you have company that knows ways to make life sustainable dynamics?
  • Is there any way you can contribute to the guides of the European Green Deal?

That would be also a good moment to explain a bit about these guidelines and how it contributes to reducing emissions.

Step 2:

Brainstorming. Take a paper and a pen and start writing down the first ideas, if there were. Anyway, you should get deeper into these first thoughts:

  • How could you do something to make an impact on your own lifestyle?
  • Which are the first aspects of your lifestyle that you could start changing here?
  • Do you think you could do something about your consumption or your way of reusing/recycling?
  • Which agents (close to you) are implicated in this process of change, and how?

You can help the volunteer in case you think that they are running out of ideas, and give specific examples of things that they could do.

Step 3:

Concretize objectives. To summarize, you will lead the volunteer to make concrete ideas of what they have thought.

  • How can this be materialized?
  • Do you need any extra resources to make it that way?
  • Now that you know these extra resources, would it still be sustainable or should you rethink it to keep it green?
  • Who will be implicated into this project? Will it be a personal or group project?

Step 4:

Dissemination. With the ideas concretized, let’s think about the ways that they can make that change into a public knowledge. Change does start in themselves, but they need to spread the process to make it have an impact in society.

  • Do you think that it would be possible to do something to make an impact in social media about what you would personally do? In which sense?
  • In which social media do you think it will cause the biggest impact?
  • In which format could you spread the process?
  • Which resources or knowledge would you use for that aim?

Tip from a Mentor

Take into account that not everyone knows how they actually cause a bad impact in terms of environmental sustainability, so you might have to give a little background of the personal impact of people’s actions in their daily lives, and how they can change things.


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