Add your method

Method Template

If you wish to add a method, please complete the following reimbursement form.

Give 3-4 significant words that describes the content of the method.
Choose the stage of the volunteer process where this method can be used.
In person, online, both,…
What is the objective of using this method? For instance, to facilitate self-expression, to reflect upon problems that might arise, to help the volunteer feel more understood, and to facilitate conversations.
Describe the method in different steps: Step 1, Step 2, Step 3,…
If you have any tips to share with a mentor, please leave your comments here.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.
    If you want to add documents such as pictures, PDFs, or any other materials, please upload them here.
    If you want to add a resource from a website, such as a YouTube video, Spotify playlist, etc., please provide the link.